ebm-papst Landshut
ebm-papst Landshut is the market leader for energy-efficient heating technology. The global heating technology division is managed from here. More than 900 employees in production and administration work in Landshut to develop future-oriented solutions together with our customers – for all heat generation and distribution applications, regardless of the energy source (natural gas, green gases, electricity or biomass). At our site in Lower Bavaria, we are shaping the energy transition, for example with system solutions that make heat pumps even more efficient and quieter. To ensure that not only our technologies become more and more sustainable, but also that team cooperation remains strong in the long term, we rely on attractive benefits, such as flexible working hours through flexitime, mobile working, a wide range of employee events, daily fresh meals in our company restaurant, professional and personal development opportunities and JobRad leasing.
ebm-papst Landshut GmbH
Hofmark-Aich-Straße 25 · 84030 Landshut · Germany
+49 871 707-0 · info3@de.ebmpapst.com