Your world is the web! In the
" B. A. Online Media" program

Make yourself at home. At ebm-papst and on the web.

Which social media networks should a company like ebm-papst definitely use? With what regularity and with what content? How do you use performance, search engine and email marketing to gain valuable leads and what does a corporate website need to offer target groups exciting added value in the long term? Whenever questions like these come up, that's where you come in! As part of your Bachelor of Arts: Online Media programme, you will learn how to plan and manage digital communication channels and online platforms in such a way that they develop their full potential. Together with the other students and colleagues, you will deal with the interactions between different online media, deal intensively with marketing automation and lead management, and keep track of the effects of modern media consumption on our society.

Zwei Menschen besprechen etwas am Bildschirm

This is what you can expect:

In your bachelor's degree with a specialization in online media, you will work at ebm-papst at the interface between IT and marketing or corporate communications. You will deal with web technology, web design, software development for websites, apps or intranet solutions, but you will also learn how to support and further develop our content management system. Whenever possible, you will work on digital product developments and deal with psychological topics such as usability and user experience. If you are interested in working with AI tools, creating animations or videos, etc., there is also the opportunity for you to build up and apply valuable knowledge in these areas.

RequirementsT this is what we want from you:

  • University Entrance Qualification
  • Adaptability to new tasks
  • High web and media affinity
  • Good teamwork and communication skills
  • Willingness to learn, initiative and creativity


3 years

During your three-year dual study program, you will switch back and forth between the university and ebm-papst every three months.

Training location


Your practical training will take you to our headquarters in Mulfingen for three months per semester.

University location


You will study at the DHBW in Mosbach, where you will also get to know the students of other partner companies.


After your training:

After successfully completing your B.A. studies, you will have the opportunity to follow up with a Master's degree program.

Any questions? We are happy to be there for you!

You can also find answers to frequently asked questions as well as information about the application process here!

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