Specialize in foreign language communication.
During your apprenticeship as an industrial clerk
with additional qualification

Interconnect locations, markets and people - with language and on a commercial level.

Whether with customers in Asia, suppliers in the USA or colleagues worldwide - global cooperation is part of everyday life at ebm‑papst. With your apprenticeship as an industrial clerk with the additional qualification “Certified Professional Specialist for Foreign Language Communication”, you will not only acquire business knowledge, but also valuable linguistic and intercultural skills. You will learn how to conduct business correspondence professionally in a foreign language, support international business processes and build linguistic and cultural bridges - both externally with business partners and internally between our international locations.

This is what you can expect:

During your apprenticeship, you will work in all commercial departments at ebm‑papst and learn how to actively shape business processes. At the same time, you will deepen your knowledge of foreign-language business communication, prepare business content professionally in a foreign language and analyze international market information. You will use your language skills both externally in contact with customers and partners and internally - for example in cross-location projects or meetings. With this combination of commercial training and additional language qualifications, you will become a valuable interface in our global company.

What is special about your training is that you will work abroad from time to time and communication in one or two foreign languages, even within Germany, will quickly become a normality for you.

What we would need from you:

  • Advanced technical college certificate or higher education qualification

  • Interest in the combination of international business knowledge and job-related foreign languages

  • Excited about an internship abroad lasting several weeks

  • Fun with figures, tables, analyses and planning tools

  • Strong communication and negotiation skills

  • Ability to work independently and team player qualities

  • Interest in global career prospects


2,5 years

Your apprenticeship lasts two and a half years. It includes a six-week internship abroad.

Training location


You will complete your training at our location in Landshut. From time to time, you will also gain an insight into our international branches.

Vocational school location


Your vocational school days will take you to the state vocational school in Landshut.

Further training

After your degree

Business administrator

Business economist

Further studies

Any questions? We are glad to help!

You can also find answers to frequently asked questions as well as information about the application process here!

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