Evolve into a Transformer!
In the course "B. A. BWL – Digital Business Management"

Act in the Area of tension between business administration and IT.

Digitalization is changing everything: our purchasing behavior, complex manufacturing processes, entire business models and much more. Would you like to look at the digitalization of the economy from both a business administration and IT perspective and actively participate in the transformation of a wide variety of business worlds? By enrolling in the cutting-edge Bachelor of Arts: Business Administration – Digital Business Management degree program with ebm-papst as your employer, you will definitely have your finger on the pulse. In the course of your studies, you will gain deep insights into business management topics and you will be taught a basic knowledge of information technology. Other components of this degree program are various modules on the topic of digitalization. After graduating, you will have a wide range of job opportunities at the interface between business administration and IT.

Zwei Menschen besprechen etwas am Bildschirm

This is what you can expect:

In the Bachelor of Arts: Business Administration – Digital Business Management program, you will learn the basics of IT and, at the same time, the diverse business requirements associated with digital change. At ebm-papst, you will work in many different areas of the company where digital transformation is taking place. You will acquire knowledge with which you can competently accompany business management tasks and projects. Your information technology core competencies will be used on a regular basis. During your working hours at ebm-papst, you will be an integral part of changing project teams in which you will work on individual tasks completely independently, adapted to your academic progress. You are constantly in the middle of it instead of just being there. For example, when it comes to developing new products or services or aligning workplaces and process steps with digital requirements.

RequirementsT this is what we want from you:

  • University Entrance Qualification
  • Interest in digital change processes
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • Enjoyment of foreign languages, especially English
  • High web and media affinity
  • Good teamwork and communication skills
  • Willingness to learn and initiative


3 years

During your three-year dual study program, you will switch back and forth between the university and ebm-papst every three months.

Training location


Your practical training will take you to our headquarters in Mulfingen for three months per semester.

University location

Bad Mergentheim

You will study at the DHBW in Bad Mergentheim, where you will also get to know students from other employers. .


After your training:

After successfully completing your B.A. studies, you will have the opportunity to follow up with a Master's degree program.

Any questions? We are happy to be there for you!

You can also find answers to frequently asked questions as well as information about the application process here!

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