Turn data into quality of life.
In the " B. Sc. Data Science and AI" program

Increase the intelligence of machines. With data science and artificial intelligence (AI).

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of modern data use and shape the future of artificial intelligence! In the dual study program "Bachelor of Science: Data Science and AI", you will learn how valuable information and groundbreaking insights can be derived from large amounts of data. Engage with data as one of the most important resources of our time and the associated key technologies of data science, machine learning and AI and gain valuable skills around the development of chatbots and digital autonomous assistants. Learn to predict trends in business processes and recognize the potential of product innovations. With this degree, you will become a pioneer in a forward-looking field and an expert in one of the most important scientific disciplines of the 21st century.

Zwei Frauen sehen sich etwas am Laptop an

This is what you can expect:

The related fields of data science and AI deal with the analysis, processing and use of data. Your task is to apply the methods from statistics, computer science and economics in order to gain insights and added value for us or our customers from data. You will be responsible for the development and application of algorithms, software and systems for data analysis as well as the development and application of methods and models for the generation of artificial intelligence. As part of your dual study program, you will understand how to implement and optimize AI systems and applications. You will help us evaluate their performance and improve their safety and ethics. Of course, you will also be directly involved in AI innovations in the field of research and have the opportunity to make an active contribution to a sustainably better future.

RequirementsT this is what we want from you:

  • University Entrance Qualification
  • Interest in future technologies and AI
  • Innovative strength and inventiveness Constructive cooperation in interdisciplinary teams
  • Creative, communicative and solution-oriented way of working
  • Willingness to learn, even beyond the duration of your studies


3 years

During your three-year dual study program, you will switch back and forth between the university and ebm-papst every three months.

Training location


Your practical training will take you to our headquarters in Mulfingen for three months per semester.

University location


You will study at the DHBW in Mosbach, where you will also get to know the students of other partner companies.


During your training:

You will receive all the IT training you need for your daily work. For example, you can take the instructor's certificate or take the SAP courses of the DHBW.

After your training:

After completing your bachelor's degree, you can specialise further, e.g. in the field of IT security, infrastructure, business or industry. After successfully completing your B.Sc. studies, you also have the opportunity to follow up with a Master's degree program.

Any questions? We are happy to be there for you!

You can also find answers to frequently asked questions as well as information about the application process here!