Rely on IWM and foreign languages.
In your Apprenticeship as an
industrial clerk (m/f/d) with additional qualification

Learn from a global player. And become one yourself.

The apprenticeship as an industrial clerk (m/f/d) at ebm-papst would be perfect for you if it were a little more international? With the apprenticeship as an industrial clerk (m/f/d) with additional qualification "International Business Management (IWM) and Foreign Languages", you will start directly into a global commercial career. You will go through all the classic departments and tasks, but you will also learn another foreign language in addition to English and complete a six-week internship in one of our foreign ebm-papst branches.

This is what you can expect:

In your apprenticeship as an industrial clerk (m/f/d) with an additional qualification in "IWM and foreign languages", you will get to the bottom of things from a business perspective. You will analyze how our products are received in global markets. You will support our international customers by preparing quotes for them and processing their orders. You will learn how to calculate the correct use of personnel and materials for a specific project. To name just a few typical doings.

During your apprenticeship, you will pass through all departments of our global industrial operations – from marketing to sales and human resources to purchasing and controlling – and will also gain insights into our production and logistics.

The special thing about your training is that you will work abroad temporarily and communication in one or two foreign languages will quickly become the norm for you, even within Germany.

This is what we wish
us from you:

  • Entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences or higher education qualification
  • Interest in combining international business knowledge and job-related foreign languages
  • Enthusiasm for an internship abroad lasting several weeks
  • Enjoy numbers, tables, analyses and planning tools
  • Strong communication skills and negotiation skills
  • Independent way of working and team player qualities
  • Interest in global career prospects

Length of studies

2.5 years

Your apprenticeship lasts two and a half years. It includes a six-week internship abroad.

Training location

Mulfingen, St. Georgen, Landshut and internationally

You will complete your training at one of these three locations. From time to time, you will also get insights into the other two as well as our international branches.

Vocational school location

Künzelsau, Villingen, Landshut

Your vocational school days will take you from Mulfingen to the commercial school in Künzelsau, from St. Georgen to the commercial school in Villingen and in Landshut to the local state vocational school.


After the training:

  • Business Administrator (m/f/d)
  • Business Economist (m/f/d)
  • Postgraduate studies

Any questions? We are happy to be there for you!

You can also find answers to frequently asked questions as well as information about the application process here!